Take a stand for Israel and the Jewish people

ICEJ Initiatives

Founded in 2006, CFYV partners with the ICEJ to educate Christians about the universal lessons of the Holocaust. CFYV mobilizes Christians from various countries to become active in promoting Holocaust awareness and fighting modern-day antisemitism.

Christian Friends of Yad Vashem

Founded in 2006, CFYV partners with the ICEJ to mobilize Christians from various countries to become active in promoting Holocaust awareness and fighting modern-day anti-Semitism.

Partner with CFYV

American Christian Leaders for Israel

On behalf of the tens of millions of Christian members collectively represented, ACLI provides a unified voice of truth to the American people in support of Israel and the Jewish people.


Isaiah 62 Prayer Initiative

The ICEJ is committed to the task of calling the people of God to prayer for Israel and for the nations of the world. Since January 2011, thousands have joined our Isaiah 62 Prayer Campaign.

Pray With Us

Campaigns to Defend Israel

Whether fighting for recognition of Israeli sovereignty over Jerusalem or opposing the delegitimization of the Jewish people, the ICEJ remains active in standing up for Israel around the world.

Stand With Us